Experienced teachers with minimum teaching qualification of B.SC/B.A (Ed) or B.Ed are employed as teaching staff. Graduates in other disciplines can also be employed but they have to update their qualification by obtaining a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) or its equivalent within two years of employment. Teachers are role model to the Students hence they must cultivate the habit of leadership by example.

Staff/Students arrive in School by 7.30am which is the official opening time. All Staff shall sign the attendance time book before it is ruled off fifteen minutes later (7.45am). All Staff and Students shall participate in the morning and afternoon assemblies, and the class teacher shall take the Roll call immediately after the morning assembly. All lessons shall begin as scheduled and the duration shall be strictly adhered to. Lateness to attend class lessons is punishable offence.

STAFF Staff shall be corporate in dressing. Neatness and modesty is the watchword. Staff shall dress decently. Men shall put on tie and suit where necessary. Staff shall set good example for students in dressing. Shabby and rough dresses would not be tolerated. Transparent and skimpy dresses shall not be allowed.

All students are expected to be smart, good looking and neat in their uniform. Students must always wear their approved uniforms. For boys – Brown trousers with cream shirt, brown shoe, brown socks, school tie and belt. For Girls – Brown skirt with cream shirt, brown shoe, school tie and brown socks. Sport wear shall be given according to the color of the sport houses. All uniforms must carry school logo. As a matter of responsibility and control, the school shall continue to provide uniform to students at moderate fees. Boys must maintain a low head cut, properly combed at all times, shave their beards and side burns. Girls must weave/plait their hair in conformity with the school guidelines. Nails must be cut always. Painting of both finger and toe nails are not allowed.

The school official language shall be English Language. French shall be the second official language that shall be spoken by the students on the school compound. In line with Government’s directive on encouraging sitting local languages, Yoruba language would also be encouraged.

Attendance to class lessons shall be regular and punctual—a situation where teachers wait for students to call them should be avoided. Subject attendance register shall be signed at the end of each lesson.

Each Teacher shall keep the following records adequately and to time.
1. Class attendance register
Each Class Teacher shall be in the class between 8.00am and 8.15am. Within this period the Teacher will mark the morning column of the attendance register while the afternoon column will be marked immediately after break. It is only the students that are physically present that shall be marked present. At the end of each week the teacher shall conclude the register and submit to the Principal’s office or designated office latest by 12.00 noon every Friday for checking.
2. Cumulative Mark Book
(a) Tests: In the School’s calendar of activities, there are four tests to be administered within a term in each subject. The tests shall be graded and entered into the cumulative Mark book. The average of the total score shall be brought to 20% at the end of the term.
(b) Class work and Assignments: This shall be giving to the students at the end of each lesson. This shall be marked and recorded in the cumulative Mark book. The total score of the Student in assignments and class work shall be computed at the end of the term and average brought to 10% of the total score for the term.
(c) Subject Attendance Register: Each Subject Teacher should keep a record of students attending his/her lessons. At the end of the term attendance and student’s note will be graded 10% of the total cumulative score of the student. Hence the Continuous Assessment (CA) at the end of the term shall be 40%,while the end of term examination shall be 60%.
3. Examination Syllabus
Each Teacher shall get a copy of the examination syllabus of the examination they are preparing the students to take, i.e. JSS1-3 Junior Secondary School Examination Syllabus, WASCE Syllabus, NECO Syllabus, Cambridge Exam Syllabus.
4. School Syllabus
The School Syllabus shall be fashioned out from National curriculum and Examination Syllabuses.
5. Schemes of Work
The breaking down of the Syllabus shall be the duty of the teacher. This shall be done term by term and written down in the Dairy and record of workbook at the beginning of the term.
6. School Time Table
Teacher shall get a copy of the School timetable for his/her subject. Teacher shall not wait for the students to call them before attending to their lessons.
7.Home Work Time Table
This is a Timetable of assignments to be given to the students. Individual teacher shall have this timetable at the beginning of the term and a copy of this timetable shall be submitted to the quality and control office or Principal’s office. Homework shall be checked, marked and recorded regularly in cumulative record book.
8. Weekly Diaries/Records of Work
Record of work shall be completed on weekly basis. Effort shall be made by teachers to ensure that the term’s work is completed as scheduled. The teacher shall aim at finishing the term’s work within 8 weeks. —At the end of each week the diary and scheme of work shall be completed and submitted to the Principal’s table or the designated staff every Friday
9. Lesson notes
A daily lesson note of what is to be taught the following week shall be submitted on Friday preceeding the week for verification. This shall be submitted to Principal’s table obefore 12.00noon on Friday.
10. Student’s note
Teachers shall give the students comprehensive note of what has been taught in the class. Student’s notes shall be collected regularly, checked and corrections shall be made.
11. Student’s report sheets (dossier)
At the end of each term, the students grade in each subject shall be summed up and the average score shall be recorded in the report sheet. The current dossier approved by the Federal Government provides space for assessing the three domain of learning- cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The three domain shall be assessed by the teachers. In this school student shall receive result twice in a term: The Midterm result and the end of term result. Student’s report sheets and recording shall be done well and with care—there shall be no cancellation of scores or tippexing. Report sheet shall be seen as cheque, which will be rejected if cancelled. Any alteration in a report sheet render it invalid, so teachers shall hand it with care.
12. Broadsheet
This shall be prepared by the teacher to enter the student’s scores in each subject for each class. It is a summary sheet of student’s work for the term and the annual broadsheet shall show the work done for the whole year.

The school operates assessment-grading system.

Junior Students are kept in classes according to their position in the term examinations. For JS 1 and 2, best students will be in Diamond stream, followed by Gold, Silver, and Mercury stream. However for JS 3 which is a certificate class, students shall be put into Team A and Team B with strong and weak students mixed into the team for proper interactive learning and integration. Students will be given percentage score and assigned grade letter as stated below:

70 - 84 B VERY GOOD
55 - 69 C CREDIT
50 - 54 P PASS
01 - 49 F FAIL

Special recognition
Outstanding students shall be recognized at the beginning of every term and awarded Star General of Commander of Knowledge. Winners shall be decorated with One Star General if they have 5As in their subjects. Two-Star General if they have 7As. 3-star General if they have 8As. Poor and unserious students shall also be recognized to prompt them for improved performance.

Students are graded into Science, Commercial and Art according to their ability and capability based on past performance on JSS secondary result (internal and external). Grading shall be done upon resumption into SS class. Students in the senior shall not assessed by position but by average overall score and grade letters as stated below awarded Star General of Commander of Knowledge. Winners shall be decorated with One Star General if they have 5A1s in their subjects. Two-Star General if they have 7A1s. 3-star General if they have 8A1s. Poor and unserious students shall also be recognized to prompt them for improved performance. The total child shall be assessed. Hence teachers shall know the different aspects of student’s lives that shall be assessed.
1. Physical Development of the Child
We measure the weight and height of the students at the beginning of the term and at the end to know the progress that has been made. Participation in sports and games shall be assessed.
2. Socio-Psychological Traits
We watch the attitudes and characters of our students to know how well they are moving along with their fellow students and with their work in the class. Traits like endurance, hard work, honesty, cooperation, leadership ability, neatness etc. are watched.
3. Academic Performance
We assess how well each child has performed in the various subjects using graded tests, class work, and assignments in workbooks, notes, and class attendance. The school shall conduct Mid-term tests and gives results to students. The end of each term is marked with examinations, which are graded along side the continuous assessment to get weighted score for each term.

Teachers shall set the examination of the students in their subject area. Note that the examination questions shall cover the work of the term except for promotion examination that will cover the three term’s work. The marking guide shall also be prepared along with the questions. Examination questions together with the marking guide shall get to the HOD, Inspection Quality and Control Office before the end of the second week of resumption. The Inspection and quality control department shall vet all the questions to ensure standard and coverage of scheme. No question shall be produced for typing until the department approves it. Subject teacher shall not be the person to mark his /her student’s examinations. Therefore Teachers shall endeavour to prepare their students very well for each examination.

Staff efficiency shall be measured by the performance of the students in his /her subjects. The target for every teacher shall be 70% average pass in his/her subject. In any situation where the average score is less than 60% in your subject, the teacher shall be given warning letter for the first time, second time will attract final warning and third time summary dismissal. Every aspect of the teacher shall be assessed: physical appearance, punctuality, responsibility, class attendance, contributions to the growth of the school, involvement and participation in co-curricular activities, relationship with the management, other staff, students, and parents, discipline, ability to work under stresses. Etc.

The result of the continuous assessment and Examinations forms the basis for promotion. There is no automatic promotion; any student that falls below average is advised to repeat the class. For any student to be promoted, he must meet the following promotion conditions.
1. Should have overall score of 50% and above.
2. Junior students should pass Maths, English, Agric Science, Social Studies, Intro tech and Integrated Science with at least 50%.
3. Senior science students should pass Maths, English, Biology, Economics, Chemistry and Physics with at least 50%.
4. Senior Art/commercial students should pass Maths, English, Biology, Economics, Government and Literature in English with at least 50%.
5. Should not be involved in examination malpractices.
6. Should also not owe the school financially. Any student who falls short of the above requirements will be forced to stay for the Summer school where he must pass the necessary subjects before being considered for promotion. Such student can also be advised to move into the School Hostel for proper monitoring.

It is the duty of the staff to motivate students in their classes to develop interest in their subjects. Making your lessons interesting with the use of teaching aids most especially making use of real life object where possible or improvise materials where there is none to use. There are different teaching methods at the disposal of the teachers to use in order to sustain the interest of the students.

Staff shall enforce the school rules and regulations. Staff are disciplinary officers and hence they shall conduct themselves well in order to be able to enforce discipline in students. Any student caught breaking of any of the school rules and regulations shall be punished accordingly. Punishment shall be reformative and not destructives. The school shall use the book system of punishment. The stages involved in the booking system of punishment:
1. Verbal warning
2. 1st yellow card
3. 2nd yellow card.
4. 3rd yellow card: a letter of final warning stating all the offenses committed to date and counseling to be a good student At this stage the student shall be refer to the school counselor. Any offense committed after this stage shall attract red card.
5. 1st red card: invitation of parent, open rebuke before the whole students, punishment awarded—cutting, cleaning, strokes of cane etc.
6. 2nd red card: suspension
7. 3rd red card: expulsion from the school.

It mandatory for staff to be a functioning member of their area of specialization association, e.g. MAN, STAN, Egbe Akomolede Yoruba, French Teacher association, ICAN, etc.

The school shall organize and sponsor Staff for internal and external seminars and workshops as part of the staff development programme in order to get them better equipped for better performance of duty. The school shall also send staff on relevant trainings for improvement purpose. Staff can also be seconded to any renown school for broadening of knowledge.

In our pursuit of total education we shall expose our students to different interesting and educative Co – curricula activities through club membership. The clubs are in two categories and we shall encourage each student to participate in at least one in each category. Teachers shall participate actively in co-curricular activities as part of their regular duties.
CATEGORY A: (Subject Related Clubs) Press Club Boys Scouts French Club Girls guide Mathematical Elite Club Red Cross Society Literature Club Photography Club Computer Club Football Club Junior Engineers and Technician (JET )
CATEGORY B: (General Clubs) Club Chess Club Young Farmers Club Scrabble Club Geographical Society Astronomy Club Egbe Omo Yoruba Folklore Club Nigerian Languages Club Business Club Music Club Basketball Club Volley Ball Club Tourist Club There is provision for each of these clubs to meet once in a forthnight. Each club has her own executives under the supervision of a teacher who serves as the patron or matron as the case might be.

When the different co-curricular activities are going on, teachers shall be vigilant to know the area in which each child is gifted so that such talents can be developed and utilized. The School shall be involved in internal and external Quiz, essay writing competition, debate, art exhibitions, Science exhibitions etc.

The following offences are regarded as professional misconduct and any staff/student involve in any of them can be dismissed with or without warning.
1. Staff having love, boyfriend or girlfriend relationship with student(s). This is considered a serious offence and shall result in summary dismissal.
2. Staff having canal knowledge of student(s). This is considered a serious offence and shall result in summary dismissal. Such staff shall also be prosecuted according the relevant laws of Nigeria.
3. Immoral or inappropriate behaviour among staff and students. This is considered a capital offence.
4. Loitering within the school premises.
5. Lateness to school.
6. Taking alcohol within the school premises or drunk before coming to school.
7. Smoking or using hard drugs.
8. Staff or student condoning, encouraging or involve in the use of foul language in the school.
9. Insubordination to the School Authority.
10. Staff making defamatory statements or comments about their colleagues or Head before the students.
11. Act of sabotage and/or an act considered to be a conflict of interest with the school authority.
12. Involvement in cults or religious fanatism within the school premises or outside.
13. Exploiting students in any form.
14. Involvement in Examination malpractices.
15. Financial misappropriation.
16. Sales of articles within the premises of the School.
17. Willful damage of school properties.

DISCIPLINE: Violation of item 14 shall result in the staff receiving any of the following - Verbal warning, Query, written warning, suspension, and loss of pay, suspension or dismissal as recommended by Disciplinary committee and approved by Chairman.

This shall be held once in a term to enable teachers give feedback to parents on the academic performance and character of their children.

Four Houses of Honor have been created by the school namely

The School Management can create more houses in honor of deserving individuals. Interhouse sport competition shall hold every two years during 2nd term of that academic session. Every student shall belong to a House for a period of two years and thereafter be re-selected through a fair selection process into a new House. Where possible, the Interhouse sport should be held on Saturday after Easter Good Friday as the foundation of the school was laid on that day.

The competition shall be held annually by July of every year for primary five and six pupils for schools within Ikorodu, Sagamu and Ogijo environs. This competition is aimed at promoting spirit of excellence among the primary school pupils in the environs.

Omotayo College shall visit places of tourist attraction once in a term and usually at the end of the term when academic work has been completed.

The school shall organize appreciation day for the staff and parents once in a year. This shall be in form of social gathering and will be intended to thank both parents and teachers for their participation and contributions during the academic session. It will be held at the end of the academic session in July or August.

Graduation ceremony shall be held for the certificate class (SSS3 and JSS3). The appropriate month shall be decided by the school after due consideration. Day of Honour shall be held in December of every year. It will be intended as Thankgiving Day, Carol Day and Prize Giving Day.